Active Nutrition for an Active Lifestyle

Active Nutrition for an Active Lifestyle


Whats active nutrition for an active lifestyle? Well, we all know It’s important to eat right at all times. But when you live an active lifestyle, you have got to be sure you’re fuelling your body right to keep up and not get run down and even get sick. If you don’t have the proper nutrients and end up running around like crazy, then you are more likely to have faster crashes and burns and even to end up catching colds and other illnesses much more straightforward. So here’s how to eat to fuel your body so you can keep up with everything you want to do.

Healthy Nutrition for an Active Lifestyle

* Antioxidants – Fruits and vegetables are a great source of antioxidants. What this does for your body is protect it from damage due to free radicals which will cause you to age faster and break down the cells in the body. Lots of colourful fruits and vegetables will help to neutralise the effects of free radicals on your body. So please fill up your plate, or at least half of it, with these foods. Clear pure health’s, “Super green Blend” is packed with all the goodness your body needs.

* Vitamins and Minerals – Whole grains, low-fat dairy, lean meats, and fruits and vegetables all provide the vitamins and minerals needed for energy to fuel an active lifestyle. Our bodies require help via our diet to optimise the nutrients and the vitamins and minerals required to function correctly, so we have to choose the right foods with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals.

* Portion Control – Instead of eating three large meals a day eat smaller, healthy, well-balanced meals throughout the day. Eating six to eight smaller meals a day instead of three large meals will keep you energised throughout the day so you can maintain your active lifestyle. It will keep your energy up and metabolism high.

* Healthy Fats – You cannot avoid fat. Most foods contain fat, and your body requires fat. But it would be best if you choose healthy fats, not empty calories. Eating fats with vital fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 will provide you with good heart health and will lubricate your joints. A good healthy fat to eat would be nuts like walnuts. Check out ClearPureHealth’s Omega 3 6 9

* Eat before Exercise – Don’t follow the old adage of waiting 30 minutes before you can swim. Eating before exercise will fuel that workout. But be smart about what you eat. You don’t want a big heavy four-course meal; it should be sensible. This way, you aren’t hungry in the middle of your workout.

* Stay Hydrated – Remember to drink water throughout the day. An essential part of nutrition is to remain hydrated. No matter what kind of lifestyle you live, water is the key to a healthier life.

What fuel you put in your body is going to have a significant impact on how you perform throughout the day. So choose the right diet, but then fine-tune how you eat throughout the day based on how you perform. Be open to making changes and space out your eating schedule differently. Doing this will improve your performance, and will help you maintain your active lifestyle and remain in good health while doing it.

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