bmr calculator

Want to know your Basal Metabolic Rate?

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Your BMR

Your BMR is the amount of calories you burn in one day if you were to lay in bed and not do anything.

Aim for 500 calories under your BMR and you should lose more than one pound a week.

some ways to boost metabolism

Do Weight Training

Lifting weights help maintain muscle mass, which decreases when you lose weight. Since muscle is metabolically more active than fat, building muscle can help increase metabolism. Try to do weight training at least two to three times a week. Building muscle will help your body burn more calories even while you're not doing rigorous physical activities.

Engage in Aerobic Exercise

Do intense aerobic exercises like circuit training and high intensity interval training (HIIT) at least twice a week. It can accelerate your metabolism hours after working out. If you prefer low impact exercises, you can do cycling, brisk walking, or swimming. Aim to do at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity a week.

Add More Protein to Your Diet

Studies show eating more protein helps reduce metabolism drop associated with fat loss.[12] Consuming more protein is also proven to help people feel full longer, which keeps them from overeating.[13]

Keep Yourself Well Hydrated

According to the University Of Utah Health, dehydration can slow down metabolism.[14] Studies also show drinking more water helps boost metabolism for a period of time by 24% to 30%.[15] Increasing your water intake also helps you feel full, which keeps you from snacking in between meals. To stay hydrated, avoid sweetened beverages and drink more water instead.

Conditions That Can Alter BMR

Many people struggle to lose weight once they reach a certain age. But for others, medical conditions affect their metabolism, which make it harder to lose weight. Some disorders that can slow down metabolic rate are:

  • Cushing's Disease (tumor in the pituitary gland)
  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (endocrine system disorder)

The Bottomline

Tracking basal metabolic rate helps you create a customized diet and exercise routine for their body type. It can also help you determine whether you need to make diet adjustments to maintain a healthy physique.

However, BMR is just one factor that influences weight loss. It's best to consult your doctor for professional advice, especially if you have a preexisting condition, before going on a new diet plan.